Saturday Morning Sessions in Spanish for Toddlers Accompanied by Parent or Caregiver

Mommy and Me! is our newest offering.  Participants include toddlers with a parent, grandparent or caregiver who meet together once a week to explore the language through songs, puppets, story time, movement and imaginative play. A perfect supplement for play groups.


Group Age Saturday Schedule
Los Saltadores 2 – 3 years 9:15 – 10:00 am
Los Gateadores 12 to 18 Months 10:15-11:00 am
Los Cominadadores 18 to 24 Months 11:15 -12:00 pm
All Ages Welcome All Ages Welcome 12:15 – 1:00 pm


The location is close to Albemarle and Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Washington. DC. in the beautiful St. Columba’s Church (we are not affiliated with nor endorsed by the Church).

Cost is $225/trimester (12 Sessions)

If you have a pre-formed play group that wishes to meet at another time, Contact Us!


Spring Trimester

March 7, 2020 – June 6, 2020